Action Oriented Advocacy

Once a quarter Melissa & Whitney cover unsolved cases by traveling to the locations where individuals have gone missing or have been murdered in hopes they can help the families bring awareness to their loved one’s case. They have traveled nationwide assisting in various ways including handing out flyers, organizing honk and waves, participating in foot searches, and sharing fundraiser campaigns.
No matter where, no matter who.

Levi Frady
Levi Frady was just 11 years old when he went missing from Forsyth County, Georgia on October 22, 1997. Levi was riding his bike home in the evening hours after hanging out with friends but never arrived. His mom and twin sister started searching right away without any sign of him. His body would be found the very next day inside the Dawson Forest Wildlife Management area in a rain-filled pit. He had been shot three times, once in the upper body and twice in the head.
Who Killed Levi Frady?