Action Oriented Advocacy

Once a quarter Melissa & Whitney cover unsolved cases by traveling to the locations where individuals have gone missing or have been murdered in hopes they can help the families bring awareness to their loved one’s case. They have traveled nationwide assisting in various ways including handing out flyers, organizing honk and waves, participating in foot searches, and sharing fundraiser campaigns.
No matter where, no matter who.

Laresha & Wanda Walker
November 19, 1999, was the start of a Nashville family’s worst nightmare that has continued to get worse over the last 23 years. When 23-year-old LaResha Walker went missing leaving behind her 2-year-old son to be raised by her family it was only the beginning. The Walker family searched for 17 years for any sign of LaResha or her car that to this day has never been seen. Then the unthinkable happened. The matriarch of the family would also disappear in a similar manner but is seemingly unconnected.
What happened to LaResha & Wanda Walker?