New Episodes every Monday

Every week, Whitney & Melissa travel from state to state, covering unsolved cases in an attempt to gain public awareness and encourage positive movement in the case.

New York : Audrey May Turk Herron
Navigating Advocacy Podcast Navigating Advocacy Podcast

New York : Audrey May Turk Herron

Thirty one year old Audrey May Turk Herron disappeared on her way home after her shift at a local long term care facility. Over two decades later, family and friends are still seeking answers.

What happened to Audrey May Turk Herron?

If you have any information, please contact the New York State Police at 5 1 8 6 2 2 8 6 0 0.

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New Mexico : The West Mesa Murders
Navigating Advocacy Podcast Navigating Advocacy Podcast

New Mexico : The West Mesa Murders

In a place once known as "The War Zone" in Albuquerque, New Mexico at least eleven women were found murdered. The remains were discovered in February 2009 and are believed to have been buried between 2001 and 2005; the killer has never been identified. These 11 women deserve justice!

Call to Action- Please call the 118th Street Task Force at 1-877-765-8273, (505) 768-2450 or Crime Stoppers at (505) 843-STOP with any information you may have concerning this crime.

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New Jersey : Margaret Ellen Fox
Navigating Advocacy Podcast Navigating Advocacy Podcast

New Jersey : Margaret Ellen Fox

Margaret Fox was the only daughter in a house full of boys. At 14 years old she was beginning to come into her femininity and wanted to start earning her own money so she could purchase her own items. New clothes, accessories, maybe even take an occasional horseback riding lesson. Like many teenage girls, babysitting was one of the first ways Margaret would be able to earn money. Margaret and her cousin’s ad in the newspaper drew attention from potential clients immediately. After accepting an opportunity to watch a 5 year old boy, making a plan, discovering the route to and from, Margaret was ready for her first real job. When she didn’t return that afternoon as she was originally scheduled her parents grew worried. They set out looking for Margaret and when they came up empty handed, law enforcement got involved. A strange phone call would come into the family’s household followed by 2 letters with ransom demands.

What happened to Margaret Fox?

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