Action Oriented Advocacy

Once a quarter Melissa & Whitney cover unsolved cases by traveling to the locations where individuals have gone missing or have been murdered in hopes they can help the families bring awareness to their loved one’s case. They have traveled nationwide assisting in various ways including handing out flyers, organizing honk and waves, participating in foot searches, and sharing fundraiser campaigns.
No matter where, no matter who.

Caleb Diehl
18 year old Caleb Diehl disappeared March 30, 2015. He was an independent, hard working high school senior. It isn't until Caleb goes missing that many secrets are revealed.
What happened to Caleb Diehl?

Jason Landry
In the late hours of December 13, 2020, Jason was driving home to the Houston area to spend the holidays with family.
Jason would never be seen or heard from again. Only hours after Jason was known to be leaving his apartment, a volunteer firefighter found his wrecked and abandoned vehicle off of a dirt road near Luling, Texas. The next morning the clothing he was last known to be wearing was found 900 feet from his vehicle.
Where is Jason Landry?

Brandon Lawson
On August 9, 2013, Brandon Lawson disappeared after his truck ran out of gas on the side of Highway 277 just south of Bronte, Texas. A chilling 911 call, unanswered questions and a confusing message are all authorities have to go on.
What happened to Brandon Lawson?