New Hampshire : Michael McClain

Nashua, New Hampshire is a city in the southern part of the state. In the 2020 census, it had a population of just under 100,000 people. The weather in this area is probably what we all imagine it has very short spring and fall transitions with very long humid summers and very cold winters full of snow. That would be a no-go for me, I love the heat and will continue to live in the shit show of the United States, good ol’ Florida. This city has a long list of famous people, including Ralph H. Baer (bear)  who invented the home video game console. He started this remarkable invention in 1966 when he started playing around with the idea of playing games on a television screen Ralph and two other engineers developed the "Brown Box" console video game system and named it that because of the brown tape in which they wrapped the units to simulate the wood veneer. Sorry, I have boys and when I discovered this fact I was amazed I might know more about video games than the males in my house. Another inventor Thomas Reardon was a neuroscientist and creator of Microsoft Internet Explorer. What is in the water there in Nashua, New Hampshire to have so many incredibly intelligent inventors? Also, Mandy Moore is from this town. Seems like a very interesting place. 

Nashua, New Hampshire’s crime is rated pretty decent. It has a rating of 41 out of 100 according to So this town is safer than 41% of other cities in the United States. I think this is actually one of the safer towns we have covered. The violent crime rate is right on par with the rest of New Hampshire and vastly lower than the united states, with less than half the crime than the rest of the United States average. The missing person in today’s episode was in a neighborhood called Crown Hill.  This area does have the most crime for that area but it is still significantly lower than a lot of other places. An interesting fact about the demographics of this neighborhood it has more French Canadian and Finnish ancestry people living in it than nearly any neighborhood in America. 14.1% of this neighborhood's residents have French Canadian ancestry and 2.6% have Finnish ancestry. I love finding notable things about each of the areas I cover. 

In today’s episode, I will be covering the missing person case of Michael Anthony McClain. He was born on February 5th, 1990 in Samford, Connecticut. He lived here throughout his childhood and would end up graduating from Samford High School in 2008 Then went on to study criminal justice at Mount Washington College. Michael would eventually move to Manchester New Hampshire and start working for a non-profit called EasterSeals where he worked with autistic children. According to their website, their mission is “To provide plans of care comprised of thoughtfully integrated services that help those with varied abilities live, learn, work, and play throughout their lifetimes.” This was incredible work being done by an incredible man. Michael was described as a caring, genuine, and helpful man that loved children. 

On the night of April 20th, 2019 Michael went out with a couple of friends at a bar called Tropical Lounge in Nashua, New Hampshire. This establishment has since closed its doors permanently. This is about a 30-minute drive from where Michael lived in Manchester. The group of friends was having a nice time hanging out on Saturday night but around 1:30 am two women started fighting. Now it has been reported that Michael may have known one of these women but I was not able to confirm this information. The women somehow take the fight outside as the lounge was getting ready to close when Michael tried to intervene and prevent it from escalating. Of course, a crowd starts to form around the women. Let's face it that is what our society does when something like this is going on, everyone stands around recording instead of helping the situation, well everyone but Michael that is since he was trying to break this fight up. 

Police arrive around 1:45 am to deal with this situation which makes all the bystanders disperse pretty quickly. Somehow in this commotion, Michael and his friends get separated and they are unable to locate him. They wait around the Lounge for a while thinking Michael would be back any moment to no avail. They go back to one of the friend’s houses where Michael’s car is parked to see if he just walked all the way back. The car was still sitting outside the house and no sign of Michael. They try to call his cell phone a few times and no answer. Michael lived in Manchester, New Hampshire which is about a 30-minute drive from where they were so it would not be likely that Michael tries to walk the entire way when his vehicle was not too far away.

We do have a decent timeline for Michael’s movements after he left the Tropical Lounge thanks to cell phone records and surveillance. Police state Michael left the lounge at 1:44 am right around the time police arrived to break up the fight. At 1:49 am Michael made a call to his boss this call lasted two minutes and sixteen seconds. He does speak with her but it is a weird call, she stated Michael said “THEY’RE CHASING ME, THERE IS MORE THAN ONE.” the call gets disconnected for an unknown reason and the boss tries to call back at 1:51 but Michael does not answer. Minutes later the first of some weird texts are sent from Michael’s phone. At 1:56 AM text said “HELP LOL R”, then at 1:56 am “WHATA STOOD ALOOF” At 2:15 another text from the phone is sent stating “Eldridge Bro” Eldrige does happen to be a street or more of an alleyway right there in the vicinity of the Tropical Lounge. Then another text at 2:18 am “FUCK I BITXU.”  His boss has called him back and is texting him during this period where it seems like he is still using his phone but he never responds to her either by call or text again. 

Many suggest that Michael is running or frantic about someone chasing him and these texts are made quickly without much regard for it being correctly spelled. The next time we know Michael's location is somewhere around the 2 am to 230 am timeframes. He is seen by witnesses and surveillance at a Mcdonald's just down the road from the Tropical Lounge. This is less than half a mile from Michael’s last known location. His boss would call again at 2:25 am again with no answer.  This would be the last time his phone pings, at the Mcdonald's around 2:30 am on April 21st. However, that is not the last time we know where Michael is, because he leaves Mcdonald's around 2:30 and heads down the road to a Speedway Gas Station. He goes inside and asks to use a phone, my thoughts are his phone died while at Mcdonald’s and now he needs to contact someone for a ride possibly. Police have not released anything as far as this phone call at the gas station. We do not even know if a call was ever even made, we do not know who he was wanting to call, we do not know if he got a hold of anyone, all we know is he went into the store, asked to use a phone and then left at some point. We won't know where he goes but at 3:30 that morning is the last time Michael is seen on surveillance. He is seen on camera walking into a local apartment complex. However, we do not have an exact time of when he arrived, here. Even the family has not seen a timestamp on the still images the police provided.  We do know at 3:30 am he is seen on camera again leaving that complex. In this footage, he does not appear to be staggering or swaying as if he was intoxicated. He seems to be walking straight and is in decent control of his body. 

These apartments are called Residence at Riverfront Landing and they are pretty decent. Rated a 4.2 out of 5 on Google and the reviews are overwhelmingly positive, there are a few outliers that gave a one star for noise from above tenants but that's not really something the apartments can completely control. Michael’s parents stated Michael did not know this area, didn't know anyone that lived in these apartments, and as far as they know he has never been to them before. Remember Michael lived in Manchester, New Hampshire about a 30-minute drive from Nashua. He didn't frequent this area so why did he go to these apartments that night? The very last confirmed sighting of Michael is at that  3:30 am leaving those apartments out of the parking garage towards the back of the buildings. After Michael walks out of this surveillance camera's view he has not been seen since. This area had a small grass patch, a driveway, and then a line of trees that go along the side of the Merrimack River. It has been reported there are about 500 feet between where Michael was walking and the body of water. This area was rough terrain with hills, boulders, and a wooded area pretty thick with trees. 

A few possible theories Michael was walking in an area he did not know became disoriented with it being so dark out stumbled to through the wooded area and fell into the river. There were a few witnesses that came forward that stated they heard someone calling for help on the Nashua side of the Merrimack River. To explain that the river is the border between the town of Nashua and Hudson so when the witnesses gave their statement they said they heard the calls from the side closer to where Michael was last seen. Authorities did conduct a search using boats, sonar, and a dive team but they did not find any trace of Michael. Searches along the riverbank were also conducted without it leading to any clues into what happened to Michael. 

Could someone have been following him, and this is why he went to the Mcdonald’s to hang out for a while in safety? But then why leave? Why not call the friends he was with that night to pick him up? Did the people following him have anything to do with the fight he tried to break up? In the surveillance footage that has never been released to the public police state, no one is following Michael and he didn't look distraught when at Mcdonald's or at the Speedway gas station so they say there is no evidence that suggests Michael was being followed at all. A few rumors out there were that Michael was dancing with a woman at the Tropical Lounge and her ex-boyfriend was not happy about this, there is zero evidence that points to this ever happening. Police have spoken with a lot of the patrons there that night and no one reported that Michael was in an altercation of his own. The only thing reported was him trying to break up the fight between the women. 

This is one of those cases that just seem like it should be solved by now. We know exactly where Michael was and at what time what could have possibly happened to him between the hours of 3 am and daybreak. Falling into the river seems like the most plausible scenario so I wanted to find out more about the Merrimac River. Michael's parents stated he was an excellent swimmer so they don't believe he would have drowned. According to Newbury Port News, “The Merrimack often may appear placid. But millions of gallons of water are flowing past any given point each minute. The flow rate of the Merrimack at the U.S. Geological Survey gauge at Lowell this past week averaged about 4,500 cubic feet per second. That's 2 million gallons per minute, an enormous force of water.” I tried to find the depth of the river around Nashua and did I have some issues finding that data. I did find a few facts. The deepest part of the Merrimack River is just over 46 feet deep. However, in the Nashua area, it isn't quite that deep but it does have drop-offs where it will go from 8-10 feet deep, and then within a moment it drops another 20 feet. 

In the pitch black darkness and not knowing which way will get you to the bank of the river I can definitely see someone accidentally drowning. In my deep search to find out how deep this river is, I stumbled upon a few social media groups and random articles that claim there could be a serial killer dumping bodies in the Merrimack River. The victimology is all over the place unlike the men being pulled from Ladybird Lake in Austin, Texas. If you haven't listened to the overview of that we released it last week and we are just getting started on that research but since there have been around 30 men pulled from that body of water there is a lot of information to sort through. As far as this Merrimack River situation it's not out of the question that a person or multiple people may be the cause of some of these deaths in the New Hampshire area. This is another person’s story that has way more questions than answers, and hopefully one day the family will know what happened to Michael McClain. 

Michael McClain is an African American male he has black hair and brown eyes, however, he would occasionally wears green-tinted contacts. He stands 5 foot 10 inches tall and weighs 190 pounds. Michael has multiple tattoos on his arms and hands including waves, the name “Justise”, a snake, a cross, a basketball, and the letter M. He also has tattoos on his chest. At the time of his disappearance, his hair was styled in braids or cornrows and he had a goatee. Michael was last seen wearing a black t-shirt with a white logo, jeans, and red and white sneakers. He was wearing one or two gold chain necklaces, a bracelet, and a watch.

Navigating Advocacy Podcast

A podcast that started over a glass of wine between best friends and quickly evolved into a mission to create positive change and ethical true crime content.

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